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The world premiere of

Higid L'cha 

Steve Cohen

Zemer Chai's 40th Anniversary Concert

June 5, 2016 at Adas Israel Congregation

commissioned by Eileen and Larry Kugler

in loving memory of their parents,

Edith & Milton Gale and Phyllis & Leo Kugler



"The music for “Higid L’cha” is my response to Eleanor Epstein’s thoughtful selection of texts. The prophet Micah exhorts us to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly,” and these precepts are illustrated and amplified by

relevant passages from Leviticus and Isaiah. My task was to create a structure that would present the text in a compelling way, and to convey the moods of the messages conveyed. To me, the centerpiece is the passage from Leviticus 19:33-34, “And when strangers sojourn among you, do not wrong them…” This is a most important statement, especially today. I highlighted this section by making it an oasis of lyricism amid all the more driving rhythms of the rest of the piece."   ~ Steve Cohen

VeHeyei Sham/Shehecheyanu

Benjie Ellen Schiller

featuring Benjie Ellen Schiller


The North American Jewish Choral Festival

July 11, 2016


A beautiful new setting of Shehecheyanu. The melody, composed for Rabbi Jeffrey Zirkman, was arranged for Zemer Chai as a 40th anniversary gift. It is preceded by VeHeyei Sham, written for the HUC-JIR Rabbinical and Cantorial graduating class of 2015.


recorded live at the 27th North American Jewish Choral Festival

Video by Larry Sandberg

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